Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 3, 2014

QQ and Soft Carrot Sago Kuih

I did some modifications to the original recipe QQ and Soft Sago Kuih which uses palm sugar.  I also made the similar kuih replace the palm sugar layer with pandan juice which was good but I have forgotten to take pictures of it. This one here, I used carrot juice for the coloured layer.
Similar to the previous, the kuih texture was chewy the next day and stays soft when chilled in the fridge. An easy dessert to prepare and so nice to serve as snack or dessert for gatherings.  
This QQ kuih with carrot flavour is served coated with freshly grated white coconut that is steamed with a little salt.  As I said before, nice and suitable for all ages.   The kuih isn't sweet at all.

Recipe Source - Yum Yum Magazine with modifications
Ingredients - Plain Layer
150 gm sago soaked with 300 ml water for 5 hours
60 gm castor sugar
Ingredients - Carrot Layer
150 gm sago soaked with 200 ml carrot juice* for 5 hours
60 gm castor sugar
* blend 1 small carrot in blender with some water, squeeze out the juice to obtain the required quantity.

1 freshly grated white coconut [200 gm] mix with 1 tsp salt - steamed for 5 minutes

  1. Divide soaked sago in 2 equal portions.  Soak one portion with plain water and the other portion with carrot juice.  Set aside for 5 hours.
  2. Mix castor sugar to the 2 portions.  Stir until sugar dissolves.
  3. Scoop half the carrot portion into a steaming tray [can use an 8" steaming tray] and steam for 10 minutes.  I used the steaming tray from my electric steamer [the kuih doesn't stick to the base or sides after steaming].
  4. Pour half the plain portion over the steamed carrot portion and continue to steam for about 10 minutes.  Repeat with the  remaining carrot portion and steam for another 10 minutes followed by the remaining plain portion.
  5. Steam for another 15 minutes or until sago is translucent and clear in colour.
  6. Remove from steamer to cool completely before cutting into bite size pieces [best  to cool for several hours or overnight].
  7. Coat sago pieces with grated white coconut before serving.
Notes: Visit this site for Its' Nutritional Facts [here]
    I'm  linking this post to Cook Your Books Event #10 hosted by  Joyce of Kitchen Flavours  
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