Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 8, 2015


Porridge is an ideal meal that is easily prepared yet provides substantial nutrition that keeps us going. It can be cooked plain, simply served with leftover dishes or various condiments such as peanuts/anchovies, salted eggs and preserved fermented beancurd.
It can be cooked as a One Dish Meal with added ingredients such as poultry, meat, seafood and vegetables. Whatever it comes with, taste and texture, porridge is a dish for all. It can be thick or watery depending on individual preference.  
Porridge can be eaten at any time [breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper]. Having plain porridge with some cooked dishes fresh or leftovers [click here for more porridge dishes-many are from my mum's kitchen] for lunch has been a regular thing at mum’s place for decades. At times, I would prepare plain porridge with various kinds of dishes and condiments for lunch or dinner, too.
Recently, I have cooked several with added ingredients as One Dish Meal such as Century Egg Porridge [Pei Tan Chok], Fish Porridge and Dried Oysters Porridge. All these light meals have turned out well and yummy, yummy.
Do stay tune for these recipes. 
How To Cook Plain Porridge
[serves 4-5]
2 cups of rice
2.5 litres water
  1. In a big pot, put rice and water to boil.  Lower the fire once it starts to boil.  Cook for about 30 minutes or until rice is broken up.
  2. Off heat, cover for 5-10 minutes before serving with other dishes.
2 salted eggs - boiled and cut into halve
2 pieces Fu Yee [bottled fermented bean curd]
100 gm fried peanuts
50 gm fried anchovies etc

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I'm submitting this post to Cook Your Books Event #26 [August 2015] hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours

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